Are you… Moving Forward
Why aren’t we making more progress in our walk with God? Maybe you are not concerned about walking with God, just making progress. That’s Ok because what I am about to share will benefit you as well. Thought-provoking questions help us grow which means we make progress in our everyday lives; achieving goals, developing deep relationships, and living life with purpose.
Most people want to live a life of purpose, but many people are hindered in one way or another from living that life. I propose three reasons that hinder us in our walk with God.
1. The foundation we base our everyday lives on is not solid. You can read the words of Jesus in Matthew 7:24-27. This is part of the Sermon on the Mount of Olives. Jesus told the crowd that if they listened to His Words and heeded His words they would be like the man who built his house on a rock.
2. The cultural mores or beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group we hang with may not be valid. They often hold little to no truth. But we hold onto them as if our lives depend on it. In John 8:32-32 Jesus declares if you abide in My word you are my disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
3. We are deceived and don’t know it. In I Corinthians 15:33, James 1:16, and Galatians 6:7, Scripture talks about deception. We need to be accountable to those who are growing in the Lord asking regularly if we are walking according to truth.
In our culture, some subcultures dictate and demand what you do and say. For example, a subculture is a way of life, habits, or addictions that demand a person live a certain way, and make certain decisions. It is the opposite of God which means it is of the enemy, the devil. Remember, the two trees in the Garden. The Tree of Life which is Jesus and the Tree of good and evil represents everything opposite of God. There are no gray areas.
Often these mores are hidden in phrases passed down from generations, from parents, or from others. Here are just a few examples.
It is what it is or as the Italians say, Que sera sera – what will be will be. I say a resounding No! Jesus prayed to our Father in Matthew 6, known as The Lord’s Prayer. He is praying down heaven to earth by saying “On earth AS it is in Heaven.” As Kingdom kids, we can pray heaven to earth and change what hinders our walk with God.
Love is blind. No! True love is not blind because God is Love. He sees all and will reveal to us what we need to know. I Corinthians 2:9-12
Follow your heart. No! The word heart and soul are used interchangeably in the Bible. Within our soul are our mind, will, and emotions. Too often we follow our heart’s emotions and end up in the ditch. We are to follow God and His word, which is His will.
The right choices will get you a perfect life. No, not true! This is no truer than if you make wrong choices you will never get what you want. God is in charge of the outcome of our lives and our part is to accept Jesus and to allow Jesus to live through us.
I deserve better! No, actually we did not get what we deserved, which was death. Jesus took on Himself death, so we might live. He gave us Himself and He is more than enough! He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.
I need me time. What we really need is rest time in God. Me time can lead to selfish endeavors, thinking we deserve this or that because of all the sacrifices we make. We have been offered and given rest in God. Jesus said, “Take My yoke upon you, my yoke is easy, My burden is light” Matthew 11:29-30.
If I do more God will love me more. No! That is not even possible. He loved us while we were still sinners, took all the sins of the world on himself, and died for you and me so we could live to Christ. Ephesians 2:8
If we are so immersed in our culture or subculture and surrounded by those who influence every area of our lives how do we get past these hindrances and go forward with God?
We must change our Foundation. We must develop a relationship with God and His Word. You might think it is not worth the risk. I say, if you don’t take the risk how will you ever know. Here is an acronym for RISK.
R – revelation
I in the
S spirit
K kingdom
Risk requires a dream. It requires that we leave the familiar. It requires that we shift expectations from others to God -His promises are yes and amen. If you don’t know what his promises are I urge you to open your Bible. You will be amazed to know what He promises you.
In Matthew 6:33 Jesus promises that if we seek first the Kingdom all these things will be added to us. If we seek Him first nothing else matters. We seek Him second, we seek him third, well, you get the point. God delivers on every promise.
Until next time, remember, the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart.
Dr. Michele
August 8, 2024