Is There a Sin Issue?

I want to share some thoughts about that 3-letter word we don’t hear much about these days. But before I do, please consider sharing this blog with a friend or family member.

When God first created the earth and everything in it, he gave man specific instructions. You find these instructions in the book of Genesis 2:8-9/ 15-18. God instructed Adam he could get anything in the garden except from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. And if he did eat, he would die. Both Adam, the first man, and Eve, the first woman ate anyway. They both disobeyed and this brought that 3-letter word into the world and into the lives of all humans born after that. SIN. This word in the Old Testament and New Testament means offense.

The cunning serpent lied to Adam and Eve telling them they would be like God when they were already like God. God came down and walked with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. In Genesis 1:26 we read that the Godhead made man in Their image. Man’s disobedience or his offense towards God, is called sin. This caused a separation, a gap, between God and man that had to be filled.

Three things we must recognize:

1.     Man’s DNA contains offense or sin and because of sin all died, and death reigns in our bloodline. Romans 5:17, because of one man’s disobedience, all have sinned (Romans 5:12-21).

2.     We must recognize we are sinners, repent of that life, and accept the redemption God offers through the blood of His Son, Jesus. In Romans 3:23, we have all sinned, our lives lead to death. We need a Savoir and Jesus is available to all who will believe. John 3:16

3.     Decide to live unto Righteousness. In Romans 6:23, we no longer live unto sin, but righteousness. Now we live according to the Spirit of God in us, not according to the flesh which was our old sinful nature.

You may say, well there is plenty of sin in the world. Yes, there is, but we do not have to participate in it. Temptation will come, but we do not have to succumb to it because we are kept in Christ through His blood.

We can live a holy life unto God, trusting Him to keep us, guide us, and protect us. We were sinners saved by Grace, to live righteous through the power of the Holy Spirit. If sin still has a grip on you, cut the cords of unrighteousness and grab hold of the power of the Holy Spirit. You have to believe that God’s word is true and it is for you. Jesus’ death on the cross was sufficient for you and I to live free from sin, from the temptation of sin, and live a life within the righteousness of Jesus.

Take some time and meditate on what God did for you through the death of His Son on the Cross. Hebrews 9:14 states that not only can we live free from sin in our actions but also in our minds. Daily renew your mind through God’s Word and declare that you have the mind of Christ. He will help you dwell on good things (Philippians 4:8).

So to answer the question, is there a sin issue, for the unbeliever, yes there is still the issue of sin in your life. We must first recognize we need saving from sin. For the believer, Jesus dealt with the sin issue on the cross. You see, the devil, who created sin, was defeated and Jesus took the keys of hell, death, and the grave. Now you and I can walk in holiness allowing Holy Spirit to grow us up, and form within us the image of Jesus. You are no longer a slave to sin. You are free to be all that God has called you to be (Romans 8:29).

Until next time, remember the heart of the matter is the matter of the heart. Give your heart to Jesus!

Dr. Michele

August 25, 2024


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